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Consider the call from the United Methodist Church in March 2014 to boycott the Israeli company,coach factory outlet, SodaStream,,, because the company maintains production facilities in the illegally occupied West Bank. Illegally occupied West Bank? What is their rationale? Scripture. The scriptures they chose to quote in their call to boycott: Doom to those who acquire house after house,and I certainly wouldn t force them to join. Also,, who annex field to field until there is no more space left and only you live alone in the land (Isaiah 5:8). In Matthew,, Jesus preaches on the importance of loving your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:40). Their goal? Keep the pressure on until all facilities from occupied Palestinian territory are removed and all activities that contribute to the perpetuation of the occupation end. Those who embrace this misguided philosophy have bought in hook,barbecue,, line and sinker to the lies of the extremely efficient and deceptively manipulative Palestinian propaganda machine.

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